Laser spectral analysis and wavelength measurement with one instrument
The 772B-MIR Laser Spectrum Analyzer combines proven Michelson interferometer technology with fast Fourier transform analysis resulting in a unique instrument that operates as both a high-resolution spectrum analyzer and a high-accuracy wavelength meter. What makes this system unique is that it can measure the spectral properties of pulsed and CW lasers that operate from 1 to 12 μm.
Supports pulsed laser applications
The 772B-MIR Laser Spectrum Analyzer employs a sophisticated co-additive algorithm to enable the analysis of pulsed lasers that have a repetition rate as low as 50 Hz.
When used with pulsed lasers, a single scan of the Michelson interferometer does not generate an interferogram that is sufficient to convert to a spectrum. Therefore, data generated by a number of laser pulses are collected from multiple scans to “build” a more complete interferogram.
The 772B-MIR Laser Spectrum Analyzer has a spectral resolution of 4 GHz and wavelength accuracy of ± 10 parts per million. An optical rejection ratio of about 15 – 20 dB is achieved assuming an acceptable number of laser pulses (> 30,000) are used to generate the interferogram.
CW laser operation
When used with CW lasers, the 772B-MIR Laser Spectrum Analyzer operates and performs just like our model 771B-MIR.
Straightforward operation
The 772B-MIR Laser Spectrum Analyzer operates with a PC connected directly by USB or through a local area network via Ethernet. Software is provided to control measurement parameters, display spectra, and to report wavelength data.